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Schistosoma mansoni
lncRNAs Database
SmLINC00004-IBu Data
Chr 1
- Coordinate:
Chr 1:924293-928308
- Strand:
Correlation between SmLINC00004-IBu and neighbor Protein Coding Genes (maximum of two upstream and two downstream of the SmLINC in the genome) or Protein Coding Genes with putative trans-acting mechanisms, with correlation coefficient r ≥ 0.5 or r ≤ -0.5
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No correlation found!
Correlation between SmLINC00004-IBu and all differentially expressed Protein Coding Genes across life cycle stages, with correlation coefficient r ≥ 0.8 or r ≤ -0.8
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No correlation found!
Correlation between SmLINC00004-IBu and all highly differentially expressed Smps (log2 FC ≥ 10 in at least one developmental stage), with correlation coefficient r ≥ 0.9 or r ≤ -0.9
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No correlation found!